
The Journée de la Montagne-Sainte-Geneviève has emerged as a spring event. This scientific day is dedicated to young researchers in organic chemistry and chemical biology and is aimed at offering them the opportunity to share their scientific results through oral communications. The day is planned on June, 11 th (Amphithéâtre Constant Burg, 12 rue Lhomond, Institut Curie). We will have the great pleasure to welcome two distinguished scientists for plenary conferences. Dr. Raphaël Rodriguez (Institut Curie) will give a talk entitled "Chemical control of Cell Plasticity" and Prof Troels Skrydstrup (Aarhus University, Denmark) will close the day with a conference entitled "From Plastic Disassembly to Carbon Capture with Waste Plastic". PhD students and post-doctoral fellows are invited to propose oral communications (12 min, in English).

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